What we do

Our multi-disciplinary team of expert clinicians develops a bespoke package for each young person. We consider their experiences and history as well as their current presentation in order to identify the most meaningful assessments and interventions.

Making Connections

Making Connections is a 26 week comprehensive assessment and early intervention package that recognises a young person’s challenges and identifies the most appropriate support.  Via direct intervention with the young person and support to the adults who support them, we create profound improvements in their self-esteem and connection in their relationships which develops stability and supports long-term fostering.

Cultivating Resilience

For many young people in care there has been profound trauma or deeply disturbed relationships, often both.  Cultivating Resilience allows us to use the solid foundation developed in Making Connections to work relationally with the young person and their carers to address the more complex elements of their experience. 

Connections & Resilience

In our experience a minimum of a year is required to really develop a trusting relationship with a young person and their carers, for this reason we offer a combined 52 week package that incorporates Making Connections and Cultivating Resilience.  
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